Silver Award (15+ years old)

6 MonthsOne section for 6 months and the other section for 3 monthsPlan, train for and complete a 3 day, 2 night expedition
Direct entries must undertake a further 6 months in the Volunteering or the longer of the Physical or Skills sections

Participating in and achieving your DofE award also develops skills valued by employers such as:

  • Self Belief
  • Self confidence
  • A sense of identity
  • Respect and understanding of people from different backgrounds and communities
  • Independence of thought and action
  • Becoming more able to overcome challenges
  • Developing a sense of responsibility
  • Developing and demonstrating enterprise and imagination
  • An awareness of your potential
  • Recognising the needs and strengths of others
  • Developing new talents and abilities
  • Learning to manage risk
  • The ability to plan and use time effectively
  • The ability to learn from and give to others in the community
  • Making new friends
  • Skills including problem solving, presentation and communication
  • The ability to work as part of a team effectively
  • Experiential learning
  • Most of all have FUN

To book a place please email or phone 07771693007